Thursday, November 18, 2010

Regretsy Fodder: Or, what I made in pottery class.

Fish, being made.

In the middle of August, I was feeling a little sorry for myself. My best friend had just moved to California, I hadn't met my goals of moving out of the house & my sister was going off to College. So I decided to take a pottery class at the local art center to cheer myself up & give myself something to do on weeknights other than hanging out in front of the computer.

The instructor was really sweet, the other people in the class were pretty normal, & I was allowed to do basically whatever I wanted with the clay- after the first few weeks.

But y'all, those first few weeks? We learned how to use big tools, specifically the slab roller.

It would have been nice if I could have made a gingerbread house, or a little boat, or even a damn spoon rest, but no. We made sushi dishes. What are sushi dishes, you ask?

Crap I made in pottery class

I'm not really sure, my friends. They look an awful lot like glorified crap collectors to me. You know the little cups & dishes that sit around on your bookshelves & you realize one day have become filled with marbles and quarters and little plastic animals? That's what these are. Crap collectors.

It's the kind of thing one makes in elementary school & your mother nails it to the wall & never gives up on. But now that I'm old enough to buy beer they're just a source of embarrassment. The thing is, I kind of like the colors on the underside of the brown one, so I'm reluctant to get rid of it. The green one, though, deserves to be hurled on to my driveway from the roof.

So I leave it up to you, dear readers- throw it in the woods for some little kid to find & think is an archaeological find? Hurl it out the car window at somebody who cuts me off? Is there a recycling program for this kind of stuff? Let me know.


Loveday Funck said...

I think they have a certain charm..

Beth said...

haha, well thank you! I like them, I just don't really know what to do with them...

Unknown said...

Is it bad that I actually kind of love the green one? o.o I'm weird but still.

Ian Thomas Franks said...

if you have your heart set on tossing it aside, i think you should consider burying it in the woods with some sort of cryptic message. in the future if anyone finds it they'll have a mystery to solve.

Beth said...

Melfina, do you want it? e-mail me your address & you can surely have it...

Bobby Daglio said...

I actually have one of my own... ill post a pic on fb.