Saturday, February 10, 2007

Coyotes on ice


Today my family drove to Magnolia's, a restaurant which used to be near me, but got pushed out when their landlord was a pain (gee, that's unusual). On the way there we passed plenty of ice fishermen, but we also saw this coyote trotting around on the ice. He looked somewhat bewildered, as if he had been chasing something and it had completely gotten away. When we stopped, he began walking away and then stopping and looking back over his shoulder at us. That's why this picture is somewhat pixelated- I had to use the digital zoom to get any kind of shot.

It was odd to see so many people out on the ice- up at Binghamton, there aren't as many bodies of water around me as there are in my hometown. So when I saw the ice, it was totally new to me and I got nervous that the people were going to go through. That is one thing that I do like about being at home- lots of trees and water.

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