Thursday, October 21, 2010

Things I love Thursday: 2010.10.21

TiLT: 10.21
Bubble Bath
I use The Comforter from Lush, & it smells like a nap! I really don't know how to describe it other than that.

Knitting Again
My needles have been down since... Junior year? I went to the Sheep & Wool festival with my mom on Saturday, & even though I only bought one little thing, I came home & looked at my stash  & picked a few projects right up again. I knit while I wait to go to places at the Haunted House, & it's nice to feel like I'm accomplishing something with my spare time.

Pen Pals
One of my pen pals stopped writing to me, & I got a little sad, because I thought that meant the end of letter writing for me, & I love letter writing. However, then Best Friend sent me a letter from California, & it was off to the races! She is the perfect letter-writer: supportive & encouraging, & makes amusing points about her own life. So... yay best friend!

Board Games
Since dating Boyfriend, I have gotten very in to games- board games, card games... (not so much dice games). I joined Scrabble club last year but quit because they all played words that they didn't know the meaning of. But I still love to play it with Little Sister, & will probably force LS & her new Boyfriend to play with me on Thanksgiving.
Other games I like: Catan (board & card), Quiddler, Royalty (like scrabble but with cards!), Pandemic (it's so difficult!), Cranium, Othello.

Specials Extras: ♥Falling leaves! ♥ Fancy Tea Items! ♥ Mom's New Car! ♥ Drawing Pictures All Day! ♥ Sleeping In! ♥ Some of my Friends Taking up Blogging! ♥ Whiskey Sour Pickles from Brooklyn Brine! ♥ Capitalizing Every Word! ♥

And this guy:


Kristin said...

I really want to start playing Catan! I have a friend at work who loves it, and it sounds like they always have a great time when they get a group together for it. I wish I could get some of the people I see on a regular basis to be excited about it, too.

Glad to hear you're knitting and letter writing again!

Kristin said...

Smells like nap? I must try this!