Thursday, May 7, 2009

things I Love Thursday

Yes, we're back, and it's time for another Things I Like Thursday, inspired by the lovely Ms. Gala Darling!!!

So, what do I love this week?

TiLT: 5/7/09

-Danielle: I am visiting my oldest friend today! There has been a lot that we haven't discussed, because I haven't seen her in positively AGES. And now I get to sleep on her floor! What could be better?

-Laptops: I love them. They are convenient. Yesterday I was super bummed because I had to drive my sister to her ballet class, and I was worried I wasn't going to be able to accomplish everything on the to-do list. BUT THEN! I realized they probably had wi-fi at the studio, so I brought along my computer and was able to be helpful and productive AT THE SAME TIME. What is better than that? I'm not really sure.

-Trains: Trains are pretty much the best method of transportation I can possibly think of. You're going somewhere, but you can stretch out or get up and walk around, all at the same time! I just wish they had a more convenient train network in this country. Because I went ALL OVER the UK last semester, and I did most of it by train. Aww, tea cart hellz yeah!

Ugly faces

-A Job for my Boyfriend!: Not only is it fun to be able to go out and do money-type things guiltlessly again, he's feeling much better. Because being funemployed kind of runs out of novelty after the first few interviews. He's working somewhere where he likes the boss, and guess what's even better?! We'll have a similar work schedule, so I'll be able to see him more than occasionally.

-Honorable Mentions: iPods (can we just say convenient technology in general for this one?), FINALLY finishing uploading all of my Europe Pictures, Paychecks, fresh fruit, inspiring podcasts, not having to change my major, Wardrobe Mistressing for '3 Penny Opera', The Michael Jackson Estate Auction, Twitter [Why don't you all have one yet?!], and this video.

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