Who among us has not thrown on some underwear, gotten the favorite t-shirt out, + then suddenly run out of inspiration? There we are, in our underwear and dripping shower-hair, and we are not you, Pam. We cannot call it a day and go on to work, because we do not have bodyguards to protect us from that creepy man who lives in the lobby of our building.
Here's to you, Pam. With your bold work, hopefully one day I, and all women, will be able to show our cute underwear to more than just the next person who uses the dryer after us, will be able to survive the hottest of August days, and will no longer be puzzled by our unsatisfactory wardrobe options.
I, and my shorts, salute you.
Hi Miss, love this post, it made me giggle lots. It's also very timely, as I'm currentlysuffering through ridiculous heat, and would be quite happy to wander round in undies, though maybe not the wool hat. With hotpants coming into style, I think we may be getting close to those days...
@Flora- Thank you! Haha, I had forgotten all about hotpants, they may save us yet!
Hah! So with you on this one!! May Lady Gaga (better than Pam) lead the way to a no-pant revolution! The world needs to see our fabulous collections of knickers ;D
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