Thursday, January 6, 2011

Things I Love Thursday: 2011.1.6


Kevin Pollack's Chat Show: I found this totally by accident while searching to see if there were any recordings of Michael Gladis singing available (answer: no). Pollack is an actor who mostly interviews other actors, so the material goes way beyond "tell us a zany story!" I feel like I've learned more from watching that show than I did from my 6-month subscription to Backstage. The archives are avaliable on iTunes, or on his website. I recommend the interview with Aaron Stanton, & the one with Neil Patrick Harris.

Pizza Bagels: I found a package of these left over from Little Sister's Birthday Party, & they made my world a happier place. Junk food is so comforting sometimes.

HypeMachine's 2010 Zeitgeist: The Hype Machine is the greatest thing to happen to music on the internet EVER, & this is their year-in-review feature which gives you easy access to thousands of hours of streaming music. Variety & shit, y'all.

Aloe Sprouts

Aloe: Specifically, the seeds that I planted a few weeks ago which are SPROUTING! Things growing is like magic. I don't understand it, but I love it.

Honorable Mentions: ♥ My dog Asleep on my Bed ♥ Dave Eggers ♥ Birds Eating at the Window Feeder ♥ Plans ♥ Card Games ♥ Coloring Books ♥ Texting my Cousins ♥

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