Saturday, September 26, 2009

Recent Weeks

My creation
Originally uploaded by chlorinebeach.
The past few weeks have become the usual school/costume shop/homework rinse/repeat. This always happens around the autumnal equinox, for me- when the length of night outweighs that of day, I find myself coming up from the shop & finding it to be dark. I get home, I make dinner, I do as much homework as I can, I pass out.

I've always prided myself on my ability to stay abreast of my work- I tend to try to complete things the day they are assigned, because I hate having to stay up too late to finish an assignment. Mostly I just hate being tired. I also really enjoy being able to look down on people who stay up until all hours doing homework. It's like "oh? Really? Because last night I read a bit of my magazine, made my lunch for today, & had the lights off by 11."

However, with this show we were playing catch up before we even started. An unusually short work time for a musical (six weeks for 40 characters) wouldn't be so bad if it were my full time job, but as it stands I take my keys to the shop in on weekends & multitask. I'll be excited when it's up not only because I really want to see my work all in one place, but because perhaps that means I'll get to spend daylight hours [if not outside, then] in a room with windows.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Didn't see the VMAs.

I just watched the Taylor Swift Video that won, & really? I wanted to like it, I really did. But I had to turn the sound down after 20 seconds, & the video itself is about as interesting as High School itself.

Granted, Beyonce's video stole most of its dance moves from Bob Fosse, but I don't think anybody is going to argue the point of that woman's dancing talent.

And MTV owes royalties to Kanye West for making them culturally relevant for the first time in ten years.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Scent Quest

My love for perfume sample bottles is as old as my Sephora membership card. Imagine, being able to try on somebody else's personality for a day, for free? I have accumulated many vials I will not open again (such as any of the Gwen Stefani products as they all smell like baby powder), but there are a few I splash on every once in a while: DKNY's Be Delicious, & Clinique's Happy.

I also discovered some of my favorite scents which I went on to purchase this way, which I suppose is the point. I fell in love with Burberry's the Beat the moment I put it on, & am almost out of it now. I really liked Aqualina's Pink Sugar from the sample bottle- I felt like a magical pink bubble princess every time I splashed it on. Unfortunately it never smells as good from the larger bottle as it did from the sample, but if I splash a little on after a bubble bath it smells terrific.

Sadly, the time has come when I am beginning to both a) run out of the Beat, & b) not be able to smell it when I put it on. The quest began in earnest for a new scent, & while I flirted with the idea of buying Be Delicious, I gave it to my sister as a birthday present last year, & don't want to smell the same as her [because everybody would totally notice. Totally.].

Fortunately! I finally managed to get around to ordering a different something that I had been meaning to get from Sephora, & with it came my FREE SAMPLES. I got Tocca's Brigitte, & Versace, which doesn't seem to have a name other than that & was thrown in the trash in a fit of why-won't-you-fucking-open fury.

HOWEVER, I think Tocca may be my new favorite brand. I love their concept: Old-world Paris? Film stars? Fellini's lover? Yes please! Brigitte is totally sexy to me (important! I'm the one wearing it), & not overpowering to others (perhaps even more important). It reminds me of the dust burning on the dressing room lights the first time they are turned on for the season & fresh greasepaint. It's a little bit of sawdust, and a whole lot of the glamour of theatre, darling.

I'm going to keep wearing the sample for a little while before I throw down for a whole bottle, but I think I've already convinced myself I love it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Perhaps you are confused: We make the rules here.

Originally uploaded by chlorinebeach.
Yesterday I was in the library, scanning things onto my flash drive to present in our first costume meeting that afternoon (I plugged my scanner in last night & it didn't work. Um). I finished up, checked out the poster sale, called my dad, & went to Kevin's class [a manic, aggressively scandalous man if there ever was one]. In the meeting with Anne, I tried to dig out my flash drive [which I keep on my key chain] to present the work, & found that I had lost my keys at some point.

I've been bugging out ever since: the campus lost & found people know me by sight, and this morning I definitely looked like a girl who had stayed up all night crying. I'm not generally the kind of person who loses things, & I hate that I am more or less powerless as to when they'll show up again.

If they don't show up by tomorrow, then I'll put in a work order for new ones, but since academic institutions enjoy imposing draconian laws upon those in their domain, I'm going to have to pay $120 for a new lock to be put in my room door AND the front door of the apartment. Because it is obviously
a) impossible for them to make a copy of one of my house mate's keys and
b) highly likely that somebody will find my keys and try every single door on campus until they open mine and steal not only my posessions, but everything in the apartment kitchen.

Really? There's a lot that's putting me off school this year, but slap this one right up on top for today.