Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Yarn pal!
Originally uploaded by chlorinebeach.
So I checked my e-mail last night, + apparently I had gotten a package, but we lost power in the middle of the day so I hadn't found out untill after the pick-up window closed. Well, I went today, and there were gifts from my Lime + Violet swap pal! Huzzah!
-Yummy "Lush" lotion, which I have heard about and have wanted to try for a while
-Candy (chocolate + lolipops)
-A charming little knitted rose, which went straight onto my coat
-A cunning row counter-bracelet, which will be infinetly useful as I knit backstage at the show
-Indian Tea (not pictured, because I ran off to brew it, it smells wonderful!)
-A Skein of Noro in Kureyon, another thing I have heard about + wanted to try for a while
-A skein of Colinette in Jay, which goes right along with the colour theme I have been having recently.
-A sweet little note

Conclusion: My swap pal totally rocks! Thank you for all of the wonderful goodness, you're a great swap-er (if that's even the right word...)

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