Sunday, April 29, 2007

The End. Kind of.

Originally uploaded by chlorinebeach.
Today was the last day of "West Side Story", for some at least. The cast is going to Chile, but the crew wasn't invited. So the cast was happy-sad, and the crew was really just antsy to get out of the building. Yes, it's true that we'll miss the Chileans, because they're so cute! But I wasn't as close to them as many. I spent most of my time hanging around the American boy's dressing room.
Anyway, it appears now I'll have to find new photographic subjects. And all of my photos won't be taken in this same yellow light.

Friday, April 27, 2007


Originally uploaded by chlorinebeach.
Today was an alarmingly good day for photos, + it would have continued had my camera not broken. Here we see Greg, both in person and in the mirror, kindly obeying the rule of thirds. He was talking to Jason, whom is visible in the background, as am I.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

It starts again

Originally uploaded by chlorinebeach.
I swear I was going to update yesterday, but then Flickr had a heart attack, + that made things kind of awkward.

This is Jim, doing his homework like a good litte History Major, in the dressing room. We had a 10:00 matinee for some middle school students this morning. We were all there so early we wanted to bite somebody. The audience was kind of dead, but the actors were just glad to be back into it. And me? I got some homework done, + then read some Capote, so life is good all around.

Monday, April 23, 2007


Originally uploaded by chlorinebeach.
Another bronze pour today. It was a really warm day, and that in tandem with the fact that we were messing with 2000* metal made for an interesting time. But we have huge garage doors on the side of the shop, so basically the entire wall was missing, allowing breezes to come in. I left when the forge started acting up, but my mould did get poured (it's the one on the left). We did kind of muck around a bit as we waited for the furnace to get sorted out- we found some bike tires and played ring toss with a traffic cone. And I had had the foresight to bring my whiffle ball set, so that was also entertaining.


Lost Dog Cafe
Originally uploaded by chlorinebeach.
My family came up to see West Side Story this weekend. They got here on Saturday, and we went to the Lost Dog Cafe for an early dinner. I had never been there before, but had heard lots of good things about it. And the answer is? It was really good. They had a bunch of very attractive salads, and I stuffed myself sufficiently (with a little bit of Pat Mitchel's Ice cream in there, too). They watched the show on Saturday, + went home on Sunday after breakfast with Mike + I. And the weather was glorious all weekend.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Don't follow the lights!
Originally uploaded by chlorinebeach.
So, I get to hang out backstage for both Acts I + II- I was made stage right costume captain, meaning I get to sit there while there is nothing going on. I guess when you act like a rational human being, people start to trust you (go figure).

Tonight I brought homework, but I'm not really looking forward to the weekend- it's really quite dark (this was a time-lapse shot, pointed straight at the only light), so I can't knit, and I won't really be able to concentrate enough to read a book. I guess I'll do the time-burning waitress thing.

Not that I mean to sound like I'm kvetching: this is probably one of the easier shows I could have picked to do my run crew hours for, as there are few changes in I, and none in II. Additionally, I get to hang out with all of my boys, + I'm sure I'll be working with them in the future. And, I'm sitting (literally) directly beneath the orchestra platform, and I do love me some Leonard Bernstein. So, all things considered, it's good. I just wish I could sleep a tiny bit more, but welcome to the theatre world.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Yarn pal!
Originally uploaded by chlorinebeach.
So I checked my e-mail last night, + apparently I had gotten a package, but we lost power in the middle of the day so I hadn't found out untill after the pick-up window closed. Well, I went today, and there were gifts from my Lime + Violet swap pal! Huzzah!
-Yummy "Lush" lotion, which I have heard about and have wanted to try for a while
-Candy (chocolate + lolipops)
-A charming little knitted rose, which went straight onto my coat
-A cunning row counter-bracelet, which will be infinetly useful as I knit backstage at the show
-Indian Tea (not pictured, because I ran off to brew it, it smells wonderful!)
-A Skein of Noro in Kureyon, another thing I have heard about + wanted to try for a while
-A skein of Colinette in Jay, which goes right along with the colour theme I have been having recently.
-A sweet little note

Conclusion: My swap pal totally rocks! Thank you for all of the wonderful goodness, you're a great swap-er (if that's even the right word...)


Originally uploaded by chlorinebeach.
So, it all begins again. We're in hell week for West Side Story, the second mainstage show this semester. I'm costume run crew, hence all of the black. However, since all of the costumes were'nt ready yet yesterday, I got roped into doing makeup (fine) and hair (aack, not fine!) After the show started, I got to sit around the basement + guard everybody's posessions, because Kayla's key got stuck in the door so we couldn't shut any of them.

I usually wound up hanging around in the Jet dressing room, because I love all of those boys. And they're all so vain that I'm constantly fixing their hair, but that is another matter.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

So, hey there guys (whoever reads this... I don't even know).
No, I haven't died. I went home on vacation + got my wisdom teeth pulled, which kind of put me out of comission for a while. Then I got back to school, + my camera battery has died. So I will begin updating again, but probably not untill tomorrow.
Untill then, why not leave a little note of encouragement? Bloggers love notes. :)